The GTE letter or letter of intent is your presentation to apply for the Australian study visa. In this letter we help you address your personal circumstances as motivation to undertake your studies in Australia, considering all the parameters established by the Home Affairs department.
We will help you demonstrate your genuine intentions to remain in the country, so that you can continue with your studies in Australia. This letter is ideal to extend the stay time of your visa (subclass 500 student visa).

If you are traveling to Australia as a tourist and want your visa to be approved quickly, without requesting additional information, this service is for you.
Motivational letter works as evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia, which is one of the documentss recommended supports to obtain the tourist visa.
Surely your family or friends want to invite you to Australia to enjoy your holidays in the company of them. With our help, you will be able to ensure that your hosts include the necessary details within the invitation letter, so that you can successfully apply for your visa, and live an unforgettable experience in Australia.

If someone else is going to help you cover all or part of the expenses of your trip to Australia, you must present a letter of sponsorship with the reasons why this person will support you financially, and other important aspects.
Through this service, we will help you so that your sponsor can write the letter clearly and directly, including all the requirements of the Home Affairs department.
En Entrelingo creemos que una presentación exitosa de tu solicitud de visa comienza con una buena preparación de tus documentos, por ello, queremos apoyarte en la creación de tus cartas de migración, para que puedas maximizar tus oportunidades de obtener la visa.
Para ti...
Nuestros expertos en migración han creado este servicio, para ayudarte con la creación de documentos soporte para la aplicación exitosa a tu visa de estudios o turismo.
Sabemos que el proceso de solicitud de visa puede ser desafiante, pero nuestro servicio te proveerá una guía completa con los diferentes aspectos que debes incluir en tus cartas. Además, cada formulario ofrece respuestas modelo que pueden ser utilizadas como guía.
Estos servicios fueron diseñados teniendo en cuenta nuestra experiencia de más de 5 años en la preparación de documentos legales y migratorios para la aplicación de visas, cumpliendo con todos los requerimientos del Departamento de Home Affairs para cada tipo de visa.