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Writer's pictureSara Posada Patiño

5 things to keep in mind when translating your website.

Translation, traducciones certificadas, traducciones oficiales

Nowadays, people have access to the internet around the world and use this tool in their daily lives - from interacting in social networks, to searching for products and services to basically finding any type of information. All of those activities make the internet a medium in which a lot of time is spent on daily, that is why, having a website is having the ability to connect your business or company with people around the world.

When you have a website, you can show the world information about your company, share your mission and vision, show your products and services and even sell online. This allows you to be recognized both nationally and internationally; therefore it is critical that your website is always in the language of the country of your company and in a second language.

Translating your website should be a conscious mission and done by a person or company that knows the language, such as Entrelingo, and has good writing skills. Misspelled words or the wrong use of a word can cause your user not to find clear information about your company.

Here are 5 aspects to take into account when translating a web page:

Be clear about the information to be translated. As we have already mentioned, your website is your contact with people around the world, it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The information it contains should include a description of your company, the products or services you offer, contact information, and everything relevant that the user should know. When you have all this information clear, it will be easier to translate it and it will shorten the development time.

Traducciones oficiales,s traducciones certificadas, traducciones NAATI

Know for what purpose you are translating your website. If your goal is to internationalize, to sell products or services outside your country, you must know which countries you want to reach and what language they speak, with this you will be able to translate in the right language, and reach the right audience. At Entrelingo, we suggest you translate your website into Spanish and Portuguese (assuming you already have it in English), that way with English, Spanish, and Portuguese, you cover all of the Americas. Click here to translate your website with us, we have 24/7 consultancy and the most competitive rates in the market.

It is not enough that your website is translated by someone who knows the language you want to translate to. Remember that your website is your showcase, it must be understood by the foreign user who enters. This translation should be done by a team of professionals, native translators of the language to be translated to, to ensure that the meaning of their translations is correct.

The translations of your website must be optimized so that you can be positioned in search engines and have greater visibility abroad. Confirm that your translator can translate keywords with the right meaning to the language it is translated to and that the slang used would be translated correctly.

Speaking in the language of our users abroad is to open a world of possibilities. If you offer your website in the language of the country you want to reach, it will create a closer relationship with your customers. Speaking to potential clients in their language generates trust.

Traducciones certificadas, traducciones oficiales

Finally, we want to remind you that a website with valuable content, good visual language and the right keywords, generates more interest for the user, recognition of your brand, and reaches more people. To achieve positioning, you must identify keywords, have original photos marked with keywords, and do the same for the translated web page.

At Entrelingo we want to help you grow as a company, so we want to remind you that we are official translators, and we can translate your website so you can reach customers abroad. Remember that we have translators available 24/7, the most competitive rates in the market, and personalized customer service.

Sara Posada P. | Marketing Specialist | Entrelingo

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