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Miguel Alejandro Muñoz RamÃrez
Nov 10, 20233 min read
5 maneiras eficazes de se tornar fluente no IELTS sem tanto estresse
Sabemos que depois de aprender muito vocabulário e passar a maior parte do tempo estudando inglês, a coisa que você mais luta para alcançar
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Miguel Alejandro Muñoz RamÃrez
Aug 5, 20233 min read
Como documentar ou legalizar documentos na Austrália?
Com este artigo, queremos contar-lhe passo a passo como pode apostilar e/ou autenticar qualquer documento público emitido na Austrália
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Miguel Alejandro Muñoz RamÃrez
Apr 22, 20233 min read
NAATI Digital Stamps and ID Cards: How Technology is Revolutionizing Translation Certification
The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) is the only institution that accredits translators and...
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Sara Posada Patiño
Nov 17, 20226 min read
NAATI Certification: Translator vs Interpreter.
In this article we are going to talk about NAATI certification and the purpose of demystify what NAATI means and why it’s needed. In...
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Sara Posada Patiño
Sep 23, 20223 min read
5 things to keep in mind when translating your website.
Nowadays, around the world, people have access to the internet and use this tool in their daily lives.
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20222 min read
Do my NAATI translations expire?
It is a very frequent doubt among translation users because it is unfair that you translate, for example, your driver’s license and that...
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20222 min read
Visa in Australia: Do I need NAATI translations?
How many times have we desired to apply for a student or tourist visa, but we don't know what type of translation to submit? There are...
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20222 min read
Who can translate the documents to apply for my visa in Australia?
By applying for a study, tourism, or work visa, we put all our dreams and efforts to achieve the response we look forward to, which is,...
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20223 min read
5 super exciting facts from the world of translations that will surprise you
1. A single translation error cost a multinational bank $10 million In 2009, HSBC Bank was forced to spend $10 million on a global brand...
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20222 min read
What to consider before driving in Australia
If you are planning to come to Australia or if you are already here and you want to clear doubts about how and what you need to drive,...
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Entrelingo Blog
Sep 1, 20222 min read
The problem of Google translation and other machine translations
As new applications and machine translation programs are created, the debate about the difference in quality between machine and human...
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Nataly hernandez
Sep 1, 20222 min read
The importance of professional translations
It is no secret that technology speeds up the pace, sets the bar higher each year and artificial intelligence remains as our bread and...
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